EUREKA: universal manual bender
It was 1967 when, in a small workshop in Brianza near Milan, Achille Vergani built his first Eureka universal manual bending machine.
The bending machine was soon patented and marketed, first in Italy, up to all over the world.
Eureka is a single machine for four different applications: angle bending, circle-curve bending, spiral bending and tube bending with and without mandrel.
Our universal manual bending machine is ideal to bend tubes, flat metal, round bars, square and angular material, both cold and hot.
But time passes for everyone, and the need to speed up production and automate processes increasingly requires our customers to replace the old Eureka with the motorized bending machine Eurekamatic.
After 54 years from its creation date, Eureka goes out of production: take advantage of the promotion reserved to the owners of a manual Eureka bender for the purchase of a new Eurekamatic!
With the purchase of a Eurekamatic bending machine you are offered the possibility to take advantage of Industry 4.0 facilities